
Integrating AutoCAD Drawings into Desktop Publishing

Integrating AutoCAD

In the world of design and architecture, AutoCAD is a widely used computer-aided design (CAD) application that allows professionals to create precise and detailed drawings. These drawings serve as a blueprint for various projects, ranging from architectural designs to mechanical engineering plans. However, integrating AutoCAD drawings into desktop publishing can be a complex process that requires careful consideration and adherence to best practices. In this article, we will explore the key steps and tips for successfully integrating AutoCAD drawings into desktop publishing, ensuring a seamless transition from the design phase to the final publication.

1. Understanding IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher

IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher is a powerful tool that facilitates the integration of CAD applications with the IBM TRIRIGA environment. This bidirectional integration enhances the standard CAD functions and allows users to attach and upload CAD drawing data to TRIRIGA records. With TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher, real-time information for the CAD data can be viewed in the CAD application reporting, providing a comprehensive view of the design and its associated data.

To get started with IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher, it is essential to have an understanding of its key features and capabilities. The product overview provides a comprehensive introduction to TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher, highlighting its ability to attach and upload data, as well as view real-time information within CAD applications. Additionally, the installation and upgrade processes guide users through the steps of installing the latest version of TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher to their workstations. Configuring user preferences is another crucial aspect of utilizing IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher effectively, as it allows users to customize settings for attach, connection, drawing, environment, legend, publish, and report features.

2. Attaching and Uploading Drawings to TRIRIGA Records

One of the primary functions of IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher is the ability to attach and upload CAD drawing data to TRIRIGA records. This process allows for seamless integration between design data and the TRIRIGA environment. There are multiple methods for attaching drawings, drawing objects, and boundaries to TRIRIGA records, depending on individual requirements and preferences. The Smart Attach feature is commonly used for attaching CAD drawing information to TRIRIGA records, enabling users to perform multiple functions simultaneously. By attaching drawings and multiple boundaries, users can create or update records and publish drawings and drawing objects individually or all at once. This flexibility streamlines the integration process, ensuring that the design data is accurately linked to the relevant TRIRIGA records.

When attaching drawings to TRIRIGA records, it is essential to modify the records to which the drawing information will be attached. The TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher record tree allows users to select the record they wish to attach the drawing information to. In cases where the desired record is not in the tree, users can easily add it by right-clicking on a record and selecting the option to add it to the tree. Furthermore, existing records can be edited directly from the record tree, ensuring that any modifications or updates are accurately reflected in the TRIRIGA environment.

3. Publishing and Viewing Drawing Information

Publishing CAD drawings is a crucial step in the integration of AutoCAD drawings into desktop publishing. IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher enables users to publish CAD drawings by uploading a .dxf file representation of the drawing to the TRIRIGA environment. Once published, these drawings are processed and displayed as web graphics in the TRIRIGA environment, allowing TRIRIGA users to view and report on the drawings in the Graphics section.

To publish a drawing, users can follow a straightforward process within IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher. The publishing feature uploads the .dxf file representation of the CAD drawing to the TRIRIGA server, initiating the processing and display of the drawing as a web graphic. This seamless integration between AutoCAD and desktop publishing platforms ensures that the drawings are easily accessible to TRIRIGA users, facilitating collaboration and information sharing.

4. Editing TRIRIGA Records from CAD Drawing Objects

IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher offers multiple methods for editing TRIRIGA records from within the CAD environment. These editing capabilities allow users to make updates or modifications to records directly from the CAD drawing. By selecting an attached drawing object, users can edit the associated record in the TRIRIGA environment. This feature streamlines the editing process, eliminating the need for manual data entry and ensuring that records are always up to date.

The batch editing feature of TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher is in addition to editing individual records. Users are able to update numerous records at once with various field values thanks to this. When making bulk adjustments to the TRIRIGA data, users can save time and effort by applying the new value to the records in batch edit mode. Additionally, batch associate mode enables users to link TRIRIGA records and associated drawing objects, improving the entire data management process.

5. Synchronizing Changes between CAD Drawings and TRIRIGA Records

After making modifications to CAD drawings or TRIRIGA records, it is crucial to synchronize the changes to ensure that both elements reflect the most up-to-date information. IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher offers configurable options for synchronizing changes between CAD drawings and TRIRIGA records, providing flexibility to suit individual preferences. By configuring drawing preferences, users can automatically synchronize attached CAD drawings with the corresponding records when opening the drawing in TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher. This automated synchronization ensures that any changes made to the records are reflected in the associated drawings, minimizing the risk of outdated or conflicting information.

6. Customizing Application Definitions for Enhanced Integration

For organizations with specific business needs, customizing application definitions within IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher can provide enhanced integration capabilities. With TRIRIGA administrator authority, users can customize default application definition components or create new ones to support unique requirements. For example, an organization may create an application definition to support the attachment of CAD drawing information for a specific type of space, such as a server room. By defining the necessary components, such as server aisles, racks, and servers, users can tailor the integration process to align with their specific workflow and data management requirements.

7. Generating Reports from CAD Drawing Data

IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher not only facilitates the integration of CAD drawings into the TRIRIGA environment but also enables the generation of reports based on the CAD drawing data. These reports provide valuable insights and analysis, supporting decision-making processes and enhancing project management capabilities. By leveraging the CAD drawing data uploaded to the TRIRIGA environment, users can generate detailed reports within the TRIRIGA environment and TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher. This comprehensive reporting functionality ensures that the design data is not only integrated seamlessly but also leveraged effectively for analysis and reporting purposes.

8. Best Practices for Printing and Publishing AutoCAD Drawings

Printing and publishing AutoCAD drawings from integrated environments, such as Project Wise, require adherence to best practices to ensure optimal results. Project Wise Explorer, a robust platform for managing design and engineering content, provides essential tools for printing and publishing AutoCAD drawings. Users can print files stored in Project Wise directly from integrated AutoCAD applications, streamlining the printing process. Additionally, the Publish dialog in Project Wise Explorer allows users to select and publish multiple sheets to various formats, such as PDF. This flexibility ensures that drawings can be published in the desired format and stored back in Project Wise for easy access and collaboration.

9.  Tips for Efficient Printing and Publishing Workflow

To ensure an efficient printing and publishing workflow, users should consider the following tips:

  • Organize files in Project Wise: Proper organization of files within Project Wise enhances the efficiency of the printing and publishing process. By structuring files in logical folders, users can easily locate and select the files for printing or publishing.
  • Utilize batch publishing: When publishing multiple sheets, utilizing batch publishing features can save time and effort. Project Wise Explorer allows users to select multiple sheets and publish them simultaneously, streamlining the process.
  • Configure publishing options: Project Wise Explorer offers various publishing options, such as selecting the output format and defining the storage location for published files. Users should configure these options according to their specific requirements to ensure the desired output and seamless integration with Project Wise.
  • Maintain file naming conventions: Consistent file naming conventions simplify file management and enhance collaboration. By adopting a standardized naming convention, users can easily locate and identify published files within Project Wise.
  • Regularly update drawings: To ensure the accuracy of published drawings, it is essential to regularly update them with the latest revisions. By synchronizing changes between AutoCAD drawings and TRIRIGA records, users can ensure that the published drawings reflect the most up-to-date information.

10. The Future of AutoCAD Integration and Desktop Publishing

As technology continues to advance, the integration of AutoCAD drawings into desktop publishing is expected to evolve further. Emerging trends, such as cloud-based collaboration and augmented reality, are likely to impact the way AutoCAD drawings are integrated and published. Cloud-based collaboration platforms enable seamless sharing and collaboration on design files, eliminating the need for manual file transfers and enhancing productivity. Augmented reality (AR) technologies allow designers and stakeholders to visualize and interact with CAD drawings in real-world environments, facilitating better understanding and decision-making. These advancements are transforming the integration and publication of AutoCAD drawings, providing new opportunities for collaboration, efficiency, and innovation.


integrating AutoCAD drawings into desktop publishing requires a thorough understanding of the tools and techniques available. IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher and Project Wise Explorer offer powerful functionalities to streamline the integration process and enhance collaboration. By following best practices and utilizing the tips provided, professionals can ensure a seamless transition from the design phase to the final publication. With the future of AutoCAD integration and desktop publishing poised for further advancements, staying updated with the latest trends and technologies will be essential for maximizing the potential of these integration tools.

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