
How Can You Use A DTP Service to Build a Multilingual Brand?

dpt multilingual dekstop publishing

Desktop publishing (DTP) is the creation of documents like posters, magazines, product packaging, signs, and other promotional materials. Desktop publishing is where visual design and text come together. It allows you to customize sizes, styles, and other elements of a document to achieve the visual look you desire.

It can be a challenge to translate a document into multiple languages. However, by choosing the right DTP service, you will be able to translate a document without disturbing the layout of the design or compromising the quality of the content.

Designing and translating together—

It\’s highly likely that you will run into problems if you try to translate your document from one language to another. It doesn’t really matter how much time you have spent crafting that one document using a program like InDesign, QuarkXPress, or Adobe.

Your layout will be affected if the length of your text changes. Some sentences might be excessively long or short. Text that only had two lines in the original document may suddenly become three to four lines long.

And the document you have spent so much time designing might quickly become a mess.

Competent DTP services can solve this problem by incorporating the translation you require into your original document without compromising the design you created with so much hard work.

The issues that a good DTP service provider can resolve—

Now you know how text length can change when documents are translated into different languages. However, there are a lot of other problems that may arise from DTP documents being translated. Read on for more info—

  • Words get elongated by translation. This can affect text layout elements such as length, number, and appearance of line breaks.
  • Words might also become shorter by translation. This affects your design just like text expansion does. These phenomena are common in most translations and can cause unpleasant results.
  • It is also possible that the font considered for use does not contain the characters needed for the language of your choice.
  • Fonts are available in many other writing systems, such as Japanese, Arabic, Chinese, and so on. Such fonts might not match the design you created.
  • Layout problems might also occur. In fact, this is an obvious outcome of translation problems in the area of DTP. It can lead to a disorganized layout.

These issues can be difficult to see if you don\’t have any experience in the translation of digital documents. However, a good DTP service will be able to fix them effectively. The translated document will retain the same appearance and feel as the original document as the professionals will simply change a word or two, adjust the font size/spacing, or implement other tweaks for desired results.

You just need to send them your original document, and they will work on it using the specific program you used to modify it.

You might also choose to work in close association with them for fail-proof document translation. Their support will include letting you know the extent of text expansion/contraction you can expect, assisting you in choosing fonts suited for your target languages, or helping you by doing the content translation before the design phase is reached. This will help you have a better idea of what to do, what to avoid doing, and what to expect in results. And that is why it\’s so important to hire a good DTP service provider for your needs.

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