In the era of the internet and digital devices, the publishing industry is also going the digital way, abandoning its traditional model. When you analyse both kinds of publishing, you will find that there are more benefits with regard to digital publishing in contrast with the traditional mode.
Following are some major benefits of adopting digital publishing:
Cost is an overriding factor for any product. When you compare the cost of publishing an e-book with a printed paper book, you can see the vast difference in cost. This is because Digital Publishing (DP) avoids many elements of the traditional publishing process. The latter involves the cost of transport, publishing, printing, cover creation, distribution, etc. Hence you will find e-books much cheaper than printed books.
Easy process
You tend to waste a lot of money and time when you type out manuscripts and give them for printing. When you abandon this process, you can create an E-book using a digital platform of publishing. It is possible to even download/ design the illustration on the cover page. A DP platform permits you to include elements of drag& drop, HTML interactivities, etc. It offers creative freedom to select themes and design layout for your E-book.
Interactive experience
A DP platform provides an interactive experience of reading. You can not only flip through the pages but can zoom in or change the font size as per your desire. Multiple interactive elements can be added to the published material to render it more appealing to the audience. Videos and images can be added to the E-book.
Ease of editing
Imagine a situation in which your book has been printed, and you detect a typo or error somewhere in the content. You can do nothing at all since re-printing is unimaginably prohibitive as regards cost. But in the case of E-book, making corrections any time and from anywhere is a breeze.
E-books are made and stored in cloud platforms. So, making updates or correcting errors can be done easily. This is not possible with traditional publishing.
Gain feedback
Digital publishing allows you to track your distribution patterns. For instance, you can keep track of how many people have downloaded the E-book. Thus, you get to monitor the performance of your E-book.
This is in contrast to traditional publishing where authors of books needed to wait for months and years to gauge the performance and sales of their books. But in the case of E-books, their analytics help to track and gain accurate data about book consumption and distribution. Using such data, authors can revise or edit content as required.
Wide reach
The objective of publishing is to reach a large section of the target audience. In the era of smartphones and laptops, online access to a variety of content is possible. Online content has no boundaries and does not cost anything for packaging and shipping. The e-book can be downloaded from anywhere in the world. Thus, your work can reach a wide audience worldwide.
Go green
Digital publishing is highly environment friendly. A fact is that nearly 7 billion trees are cut down worldwide every year. There are reports that it takes 24 trees to produce 1 ton of standard office paper. Thus, the benefit of going green with digital publishing is self-evident and helps save our valuable forest resources.
Less space
With regard to printed paper books, you can carry at most 2 or 3 books conveniently. But with E-books, you can carry thousands of books wherever and whenever you desire, taking the least amount of space.
In sum, digital publishing wins totally in comparison to traditional publishing. If you are looking for DTP services, trust DTP Labs. We have a multi-dimensional, experienced, and expert team of over 50 professionals who deliver the best digital publishing products. Contact us for more details!